GOLDTAKAS system is based on physical delivery principle. Account holders at GOLDTAKAS, have the opportunity to buy&sell Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, or coins, in the form of bullion bars, gram, kilogram with their own price, on a physical and completely transparent markets (Free markets, international precious metals markets and Borsa Istanbul precious metals market) at different countries and locations.

Our valued clients can make physical delivery and collection via our GOLDTAKAS centers located in different countries and locations. At the same time it is possible to make transfer from their account with just an instruction.

You can make standard precious metals investment, you can also deliver or export your scrap, block, or plate metals to GOLDTAKAS's centers, authorized vaults/warehouses and correspondents, we will make assay and refining service. After needed controls we credit your account as fine precious metals.
All physical delivery and  transfers realize under GOLDTAKAS liability with insurance.